The second necklace I made was a cameo necklace.
It has been a long time of searching for a jewelry like this, not because they aren`t any around, but the fact was that I didn`t knew what the name was of these silhouette representing pendants. About a year ago my search came to an end as I found out they are named cameos. With this newly found wisdom began cruising the internet for pictures and inspiration to make my own, which took form like this:
It is interesting, because you might think that these kind of jewelry were ment to be worn by women, but in fact, at different points in history they have been worn as frequently by men. Of course, back then, each one was unique and hand craved in hardstones or agate.
" Cameos are works of miniature sculptured art. Their original purpose is lost in history, with the original intent of individual pieces known only to the craftsmen who carved them. What is known is that of the countless ancient examples of the sculptor's and carver's craft, none offers such a unique window through which to view the cultural past. Cameos reveal the manners, customs, philosophies, historic events, and social occasions that have marked our past. The ancient cameos, like fine art and sculpture, were intended as statements. Only in the last few hundred years has the significance eroded as cameos began to depict endless profiles—of vapid females.
Today most cameo connoisseurs believe that cameos originated without any practical purpose other than ornamentation, but a dutch scholar, Zadoks-Josehus Jitta, seeing their deeper meaning has characterized them as "messages in agate." In ancient times the cameo also served as an amulet, a talisman, a storyboard depicting ethics and morals, a tangible affirmation of one's faith, and in some cases a reflection of one's destiny. At one point the wearing of a cameo portrait of the ruling monarch not only showed one's loyalty to the court but also facilitated a quick audience with the ruler; such a cameo could quite conceivably guarantee safety and favor. Given all this, it seems inappropriate to consign the carving of cameos only to the category of personal adornments and amusements plastered on cups, vessels, crowns and relics, used to fill treasuries of royalty and the church." - source

I`m still wondering... Is the bow too much? But I sincerely think you can never have to much bows or as the matter in fact, dotted bows. :P
Have a pleasant evening,