This entry goes out for all of you Disney fans out there. I sure do know one thing: Disney movies made my childhood prettier and more fun. I am not saying we should live in a fairytale or lie to our kids but it`s nice to pretend once in a while that this world isn`t such a bad place after all.
Anyways, I didn`t come up with the idea for these brooches alone, my darling boyfriend was the one who told me to try it out and I did! So this is how they came out:
Mickey Mouse no. 1:
Mickey Mouse no. 2: What do you think, did I get him right?
Say "Hello" everybody! She is Whizzy, my darling pet for 7 years now, I got her when she was 4 years old.
Turtles have a high lifespan and in many cases the kids get bored of them or don`t care for them so the parents give them away. There is such a place in my city where unwanted pets get a home and you can adopt from there, that is how I got my Whizzy. They were many animals there and especially lots of turtles, old and big turtles that nobody wanted, but no reason to get sad they were very well taken care of by the students from the Veterinarian College. Still it was a good feeling giving one of them a home:
I love turtles, as the matter in fact I must confess I have a huge addiction to all things that resemble them: I have turtle plushies, turtle pillow, turtle magnets, turtle candle holders, turtle earrings, turtle necklaces, turtle rings and now ...
I made this turtle brooch, for which Whizzy was my inspiration: